The Environmental Extremism of Democrats

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Living the Environmentally Friendly Life
Moonbattery has a profile of an environmental extremist named Bill McKibben.  McKibben is credited with stopping the Keystone Pipeline that would have brought oil from Canada to the United States, but which will now be going to China instead.

McKibben is doing everything he can to stop the use of fossil fuels for energy and is typical of the extremists who comprise the Democratic Party.  This is why gasoline prices are through the roof, and why they will go higher.  It is not an exaggeration to say that the Democratic Party wants you to suffer.  The reason is that they have an extreme view on the environment and want to force Americans to use far less energy.  In  order to do this we must car pool more, ride trains or buses or use bicycles for transportation (or walk).  We must live in smaller houses.  We must consume less, i.e. to live at a lower standard of living than we do now.  We must produce fewer children and dramatically shrink the population (hence the fanatical support of any and all abortion).

The Democrats' anti-energy policies are designed to force you into a simpler lifestyle that they have selected for you, and even high unemployment helps to achieve their goals.  Economic activity consumes energy, enriches and empowers people to have families and to consume more, all of which runs counter to the goals of the environmental extremists in the Democratic Party.

The biggest problem with this agenda is that it is largely hidden.  The Democrats don't openly espouse these goals, lest the populace wake up and throw them out en mass.  This is unfortunate, since we cannot know what Dems are thinking and why, what data (if any) that they rely on, what future they envision, or what their arguments are.  Without debate on these extreme policies, we cannot refute them.

Welcome to the grim future, fellow peasants.

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