One Week To Go: The Presidential Election of 2012

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In reading polls, predictions and pundits, I still do not have a clear idea of how the Presidential election will turn out.  Logic would seem to support the election of Mitt Romney over the failed and terrible presidency of Barack Obama.  However, voters aren't always logical.  Obama was elected in 2008 based on sheer fantasy about his capabilities.  Mark Levin warned what the election of Obama would  mean.  I also predicted what an Obama presidency would bring, and most of my predictions, the most important ones, were correct.  Four more years of Obama will be much like the last four, with the same disastrous results.  What you see is what you get.

In 2008 I had an epiphany, a sudden realization that McCain would lose to Obama.  It was a feeling of certitude and I did not doubt its accuracy.  Unfortunately, my intuition hasn't revealed the 2012 outcome.  It is still a big question mark in my mind.  

In any case, I will be glad when it's over.  Then we will know if the polls were indeed accurate, the predictions true or false.  Reality will replace wishful thinking and we will finally know what we are dealing with.  I am tired of the anxiety, tired of scrutinizing every new poll and event and editorial and commentary, in a vain attempt to perceive a clear trend, to guess the outcome.

I really don't understand Democrats.  Do they really believe their soundbite ideology?  Do they even care that their policies impoverish Americans and erode our security?  Do they like soaring gas prices, high joblessness, and class warfare?  It seems to me that they have an irrational loyalty to their party, above all practical concerns for their own self-interests and the well being of their families.  I really don't get it.

All we can do is go to the polls and vote, and hope for the best.
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