Media "Fact Checkers" Mostly Biased, Left-Wing Shills

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Ann Coulter once wrote about liberal  bias in the news media.  She pointed out how the major networks have so-called "experts" ready to attack any Republican policies or initiatives or arguments with so-called "expert" opinions.  Contrary opinions by other experts are generally not presented.

Using computer search software, Lexus-Nexus, she found that the same "experts" are quoted over and over, from one controversy to another.  The ruse wasn't confined to "experts," but also to the opinion of the common "man on the street."  One "common man on the street" was quoted several times in several different news stories.  Hardly a random choice, the man was someone whose liberal opinion could  be counted on.

It was obvious that the mainstream media are biased and attempt to present a false picture of objectivity in any controversy.  The truth is, they are utterly biased, left-wing shills.  Their object is not to present facts, but to influence public opinion leftward, by any mean necessary.

Today we learn that the so-called "Fact Checkers" in the political campaign of 2012 are again, fake, false and phony.  John Nolte at Breitbart gives this background in his expose of the phony "fact-checkers":
All throughout 2008, I watched as Obama's Media Palace Guards at Politifact, CNN, the Washington Post, and elsewhere, did everything in their corrupt power to blunt criticism of Obama by, at best, spouting their left-wing version of the truth and, at worst, outright lying.
Happily, Mitt Romney isn't so easily manipulated as was the compliant and ineffective John McCain.  False "facts" by the liberal shills in media will not influence his stated opinions nor blunt his attack on Obama's record.  Read it all here.
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