How Will the Democrats Slander New VP Pick, Paul Ryan?

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Paul Ryan, Next Target 
of the Democrat Smear Machine
Mitt Romney has chosen Congressman Paul Davis Ryan of Wisconsin to be his Vice Presidential running mate.  Ryan, who is 42, is married with three children.  He is a Roman Catholic by faith, is a graduate of Miami University in Ohio, and has a BA degree in both economics and political science.

Ryan has been a member of the U.S. House of Representatives since 1999 and currently chairs the House Budget Committee.  I wrote about Ryan in November of last year and was quite impressed with his ideas and his understanding of economic issues.  Follow the link to learn some great things about Paul Ryan.

The only question now is:  how can he be properly slandered and slimed by the Party of the Poison Pen, the Democrats?  Believe me, they already have the slander well researched and written.  The only question for them now is, when is the best time to disseminate the political poison, which Democrat house organ or talking head will start it off, and what should the first barb be about?

The Poison Propaganda has already started to fly.  You can see it in the first headlines of leftist columnists:
    • "The Most Daring Decision of Mitt's Career," the New Yorker
    • "VP Pick an Admission of Fear from Mitt," Ezra Klein, Washington Post
Just from reading the above titles, one might get the impression that there is something terribly wrong or radical about the Catholic economist and father of three.

Stay tuned.  They're just getting started.

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