Joe Biden Pushes Grandma Off a Cliff! (Photoshop)

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This image was inspired by Rush Limbaugh's commentary this morning.

Months back, the Democrats ran a below-the-belt political ad, depicting Paul Ryan pushing "grandma," an old woman in a wheelchair, off a cliff.  Ryan, the Democrats lied, wanted to destroy Medicare, and the imagery supported that lie.  Ryan, of course, wants to reform Medicare, which is currently on track for bankruptcy in twelve more years.  Without reform, Medicare will disappear for lack of money.

In actual fact, it is the Democrats who want to destroy Medicare by distorting the real issues involved.  Without reform, it is the Democrats who are "pushing grandma off a cliff."  But Democrats just can't help themselves.  When an opportunity arises to scare seniors, Democrats will scare the seniors in order to get votes.  Honesty is not a consideration and there is no long view:  simply win the next election, stay in power as long as possible, even at the cost of Medicare and Social Security going broke.  Grandma is merely cannon fodder for the next election cycle, as far as Dems are concerned.  "Grandma" is not their worry or their concern -- their only motivation is retaining power.

This grandpa, however, isn't fooled.  Don't you be either.

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