The Lying, Libelous Left

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Some kook shot several people at a Sikh temple in Wisconsin before the police terminated his sorry ass.  Now the lying, libelous Left is claiming that Michele Bachmann caused the shooting by making critical comments about Islam.  Being brain-dead ignoramuses, they apparently don't know that Sikhs aren't Muslims.  They are but one of many religions that Muslims violently attack.

But if Bachmann didn't cause it, then Beck, Savage and Rush did.  How did these brainless twits come to this conclusion?  

They came to it through their own virulent hatred of conservatives and anyone who stands in their way of creating a socialist paradise on earth.  When it comes to hate, the Left is in a class by itself.  The only thing worse than their hatred is their hypocrisy.  They slander with impunity, take no responsibility, make horrible accusations without facts or proof, jump to conclusions and make up stories on the spot.  If they think at all, it is with their adrenal glands, not their brains.

Entire books have been written to document the Left's over-the-top hatred.  Try Malkin's "Unhinged" or Coulter's "Slander:  Liberal Lies About the American Right."  Liberals believe that they can be reckless and incendiary in their steady stream of hate speech, knowing full well that the liberal media won't hold them to account.  By telling the most odious lies about people like Bachmann, Savage, Beck and Rush, they themselves may be indirectly  encouraging violence against individuals.  And if any of those people are killed, you can bet leftist joy, openly expressed, will be the result.

Check out for a steady example of Leftist lies and hate.  These folks regularly call for conservatives to "die" or to "kill themselves," and express open joy when a conservative dies.  They destroy property, bully and slander their political opponents, and generally make asses of themselves.  Yet they accuse conservatives of being the ones who are suffused in hate.

There is nothing more hateful than a lying libelous liberal.  I will oppose these evil people with my dying breath.

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