Blog Break: Devouring a Great Book

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Sorry for the lack of posting recently.

For the past three days I have been immersing myself in Parmy Olson's great book, We Are Anonymous: Inside the Hacker World of LulzSec, Anonymous, and the Global Cyber Insurgency.

The book is all about computer hackers and "hactivists" (hackers who are activists), their crimes, their methods, their websites, their software tools.  There are cyber world villains (Anonymous) as well as heroes, e.g. Jennifer Emick and The Jester, "white hat" hackers who have worked hard to discover the identities of cyber-criminals and bring them to justice.  Some of the top echelon of "Anonymous" are now cooling their heels in the Graybar Hotel thanks to Emick and her firm, Backtrace Security.

I am creating bookmarks to websites, forums and news articles that deal with the criminal hackers and have made a new goal for myself, to learn as much as I can about them for the purpose of fighting them.

So I am sitting here enjoying a warm cup of coffee, looking through the sliding glass doors into my damp backyard.  It is an overcast, rainy day -- a great day for reading a great book.

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