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Republican leaders apparently believe that if they give citizenship to millions of Third World immigrants that those immigrants will become Republican voters. However, Hispanics voted more than two-to-one against the GOP in the recent presidential race. When Ronald Reagan gave amnesty to two million Mexicans back in 1980 he created nearly two million more Democratic voters. Most of the people that Hannity wants to give voting rights to will end up voting against his party. California, only a few decades ago a mostly-White State that leaned Republican, now has a White minority and is a solidly Democratic State. The more Hispanic the State has become, the more Democratic it has become. Granting citizenship to millions more Hispanics will only weaken the Republican Party.I very much agree with Michael on this issue. Read his entire article here.
Update: The Daily Caller also addresses the GOP's possible move towards amnesty: Alert: Immigration Sellout Underway?
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