SMASH ANONYMOUS (twitter feed #anonymous)

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"Anonymous" is an international network of anarchist computer hackers who hate western civilization, capitalism and Israel.  Like most leftists, they instinctively side with whatever evil exists in the world and oppose justice and the rule of law.  In short, they are cyber criminals who, like any organized crime syndicate, must be taken down.

Currently, this loosely-knit group have targeted the State of Israel, opposing Israel's defensive efforts against unending warfare directed against it by Hamas and other followers of the anti-Semitic death cult known as Islam.

For conservatives, "Anonymous" is a natural enemy and we should oppose it vigorously.  We need to develop our own computer hacker force, not to create crime, but to uncover it.  We must constantly track and trace this evil force, identify its members, methods and websites, and bring them to justice.

I have created the above graphic, "Smash Anonymous."  Feel free to use it on your blogs and websites.

"Anonymous" has a slogan.  It goes:

We are Anonymous. We are Legion. We do not forgive. We do not forget. Expect us.

To which I reply:

Anonymous:  You are scum.  You are criminals.  Expect a counter thrust.  We are coming for you.  Expect us.

Note:  A related hacker group, similar to Anonymous, was known as LulzSec.  It was started by the top hackers in Anonymous and can be viewed as merely another arm of same.  It was taken down by authorities after an indicted member revealed the identities of the other members in a plea deal. Although difficult, it is not impossible to track, identify and prosecute criminal hackers.  It has been done and the efforts to identify these criminals are increasingly effective.

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