Many Jews Preparing to Leave France for Israel

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Far left Francois Hollande has many ties to anti-Israeli populations, and as a result many Jews are now preparing to leave France for Israel.

Breitbart says:

According to the Jewish Agency for Israel, over 5,000 Jews from throughout France attended a fair in the heart of Paris about immigrating to Israel. The fair was attended by the Chairman of the Jewish Agency, former member of Knesset, Soviet expatriate and dissident Natan Sharansky. “I cannot recall having seen such a massive number of people interested in aliyah [immigration] since the days when lines of people stretched out of the Israeli embassy in Moscow,” said Sharansky. The fair took place the same day as the election that rousted Nicholas Sarkozy, a reliable anti-Iran voice in Europe, from power, replacing him with the far less reliable Francois Hollande, a socialist with heavy ties to anti-Israel populations.
Francistan now is on the verge of becoming both a collectivst, Islamic cesspool.

Read it all here. 

I am happy I was able to visit France in 2007, while it was still part of Western Civilization.

French"citizens" expressed their enthusiasm after the results with red flags and flags from Algeria, Tunisia, Egypt, and "Palestine" (See photo above).
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