Democracy Doesn't Work

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Greek Ruins
France and Greece, both insolvent or nearly so, have rejected austerity measures and candidates in their recent elections.  By "austerity measures," they mean living within your means, reducing "free" government services so prior services provided on credit can finally be paid for.

Alas, in a Democracy, the masses can vote themselves the keys to the Treasury.  Now there are only dead moths in the French and Greek treasuries, but that's okay, because the credit cards are still there.

Liberalism leads only to ruin.  It teaches the simple-minded masses that the world owes them a living, that government has endless free stuff to hand out, that there are no consequences to living like the proverbial drunken sailor.  Right now the French and Greek voters are like drug addicts; they don't care if stealing the rent money from mom's purse will result in homelessness, they must have that heroin hit RIGHT NOW.  Let tomorrow take care of itself.

Hmm, if the Left was to have a motto, that would be it.  Let tomorrow take care of itself.

I am almost at the point where I have concluded that democracy doesn't work, at least not in its present form.  Critics of democracy point out that it carries the seeds of its own destruction, and perhaps that is an accurate observation.  Democracy is the rule of the mob, and mobs are extremist and psychotic.  The French peasants who stormed the Bastille were such a mob.  Instead of celebrating July 14th as Bastille Day, it should be a day of national mourning in France.  It was a day when madness replaced civilization.

Perhaps democracy could work, if there were legally enforceable bars to leftism, liberalism and socialism.  Some examples might be (1) allowing only those who own property to vote (as in the early days of our founding); (2) allowing only those who are self supporting to vote; (3) assessing an equal tax on everyone, including the so-called poor, i.e. by a flat tax on gross income, so that those who vote for higher taxes will feel the effects of it in their own pocketbooks.  When people are spending their own money, rather than someone else's, they tend to be a lot more conservative.

In Western Civilization, our societies have devolved, thanks to "progressive" politics, to a self-consuming, self-destructing mob.  Ruin is inevitable.  This is not what the Founding Fathers intended.  They did not intend to establish a mobocracy, but a Constitutional Republic, wherein the rights and property of the individual were protected against the caprice of the mob, where even the majority is limited in what it can do.

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