The Daily Beast is Actually the Daily B.S.

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I took a look at the Daily Beast website today.  It is a cesspool of Democrat B.S. and distortion.  In their article on Obama insulting Romney they write:
“I know Gov. Romney came to Des Moines last week,” the shirt-sleeved, sweating Obama told a crowd of fervent supporters. “Warned about a ‘prairie fire of debt.’ That’s what he said. ‘Prairie fire.’ But he left out some facts. You know, his speech was more like a cow pie of distortion.”

Taken at face value, the president was simply quoting his Republican opponent to buttress his argument that Romney’s economic proposals were nothing but a throwback to George W. Bush’s disastrous policies that produced financial meltdown and a near-depression.       
Oh really?  So it was Bush's "disastrous policies" that moved the country into a near-depression?  Will some Democrat explain exactly what those policies were and the mechanics of how they caused the housing bubble, the burst, and the subsequent failure of thousands of mortgage companies, banks and investment firms?,

No, it is clear that the near-depression was caused by Democrats and Democrat policies, namely, forcing banks and mortgage companies to make bad loans, first to minorities and then to everyone. This was going on well before Bush was president; it started mainly with Clinton.

Yet the Daily Bee Ess mouths the above drivel without any kind of support for it.  They believe on faith and faith alone, the anything bad that happens was caused by a Republican and only good stuff flows from Democrats.  Like Barney Frank and Chris Dodd who vigorously defended this reckless policy, which blew up in their faces.  Now Democrats achieve some really incredible contortions to blame their mess on Republicans.

Don't believe them.
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