Who's Funding Brett Kimberlin?

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Michelle Malkin had a post last month on the funding sources of Brett Kimberlin.  Kimberlin has been out of jail for eleven years now and apparently is raking in the cash through his two non-profit organizaitons, Velvet Revolution and Justice Through Music.  Both are leftwing sites supporting leftist causes and candidates.

Major contributors include George Soros (through his organization, the Tides Foundation); Babara Streisand, vacuous singer and actress, and Teresa Heinz Kerry, moonbat wife of John Kerry, Democrat Senator from Massachusetts.

The question in my mind is this:  if Kimberlin is using funds from these big contributors to carry out malicious prosecution of conservative bloggers, couldn't these funding sources be sued for contributing to Kimberlin's nefarious activities?  No doubt there are some deep pockets there that could provide a lot of moola for electing conservatives.

Here are the links from Malkin's site:

Big Government: Kimberlin Funders Stunned to Discover They Fund Kimberlin

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