Must Reads for Saturday

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Here are some of my favorite blog posts and stories today:

The Cloward-Piven Strategy.  This was the strategy of "orchestrated crisis" by which the left could seize power and replace constitutional democracy with socialism.

Why We Write:  the Long, Hard  Road of the Brett Kimberlin Story:  Lee Stranahan explains why he would do it all over again, in spite of the legal and personal harassment of the Kimberlin crowd.

Traditional Families Are Best After All:  Forget all that "Heather has Two Mommies" B.S.  It is becoming clear what we knew all along:  the best environment for raising normal, healthy kids is the traditional home with a mom and a dad.  Duh!

Neal Rauhauser's Game Plan.  It's not to get himself committed to a rubber room, no matter how much it seems that way.  One of Brett Kimberlin's right hand men seems to have a serious inability to differentiate between reality and fantasy.  Although that's true of any dedicated leftist, Rauhauser has raised self-deception to an art form.

The God Particle.  For well over a hundred years, atheists and socialists (like Engels, who hated religion) have been searching for proof that the physical universe is "all that exists, all that ever has existed, and all that ever will exist."  Modern materialists hope to do this by finding "the God Particle," the tiniest, most basic element on which all matter rests.  At first they thought it was the atom, but found that even atoms are made up of smaller particles called quarks, which are in turn made up of gizmos and doo-dads.  (Or something like that.) Some scientific journals have reported that scientists are right on the verge of isolating and detecting the illusive particle.  But, whoops, now some are saying the God Particle may be as many as five particles....oh my, what is a materialist to do?

Butt-Hurt Blogging -- Why oh why doesn't the blogosphere love me?  My mama loves me.  Are you calling my mama a liar?

Shocking...Criminal charges against Aaron Walker were dropped.  He won't be prosecuted for blogging....and presumably, not for brushing his teeth, eating tuna fish sandwiches and watching television.  Don't you just hate our permissive society?

Hitler Learns Aaron Worthing Case Has Been Dismissed -- I grew sick of these Hitler spoofs some time ago, but watched this one was the funniest of them all!!  Definitely a must-view.  LMAO.

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