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This writer describes the spoiled brats of Western Europe, but his description also applies to those in the Occupy Movement as well.
New generations grew within the culture of rights and went to a school that taught them that life was a game and they didn't have to worry much about the future, because there is someone, the welfare state, which is responsible for their prosperity. These are the outraged, those weaned brats that we see today in the cities of Western Europe, asking for rights that nobody can give them. They are the major victims of the empty promises of the welfare state and their disappointment is manifest, as well as their growing frustration. They were born under the syndrome of the free lunch and the progress secured (by others), and their mental dullness prevents them from understanding such obvious things as every right has a cost, and that cost is called duty, hard and daily effort, personal responsibility and willingness to innovative.
By Mauricio Rojas -- Author of another rightest blog in Spanish (and one that I will add to my sidebar now).
Translated into English from an article at El Opinado Compulsivo.
The photo is interesting and funny, but really hasn't much to do with the article! (I don't know about you, but I want these monkeys as part of my landscaping!)
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