Islam is Completely Evil and Has NO Redeeming Qualities Whatsoever

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I have been completely upfront about my opinion of Islam, since the atrocity of 911:  I hate Islam.  I believe that Islam has no redeeming qualities and is a complete negative on humanity.  Islam creates much evil in the world and absolutely nothing good.

On the anniversary of the 911 atrocity, Muslims in Egypt and Libya decide to prove, once again (as if we needed any reminders), that they are bloodthirsty murderers, that their rotten "god" Allah is a joke, and that Mohammed was one of the most evil, odious and selfish men to ever draw breath.  Furthermore, the so-called Koran is a literary and theological disaster, a complete waste of paper, a hate manual for barbarians and nothing more.

Our ambassador to Libya was smothered to death and his body paraded through the streets by the Muslim mob.  Three other members of the embassy staff were killed as well.  In Egypt, at least one member of the embassy staff was killed in an attack on our embassy in Cairo.

What were these lunatics attacking us for?  Ostensibly, it was because some Americans made a film critical of the (false) prophet Mohammed.  I viewed a section of the film on YouTube and found it to be an accurate portrayal of this evil man, including the scene where Muslims murder an old woman by tying her between two camels and ripping her in two.

So what should we do?  We should get completely out of the Middle East, aiding only Israel.  All American aid to any and all Muslim countries should be stopped.  We should seek energy independence as soon as possible.  All Islamic immigration into the West should cease; no more mosques should be allowed, and all tax exempt statuses of Islamic mosques and organizations revoked.

Further, we should remove all American troops from Iraq and Afghanistan as quickly as possible.  Trying to turn barbarians into constitutional democrats is a fool's errand, and neither country is worth one drop more of American blood.

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