The Dallas Morning News has endorsed Romney for president, and describes in detail why they do. Some of their salient comments: Obama’s Demo...
Read MoreDamn the Polls, Full Speed Ahead!
During the Civil War, some American admiral was warned of torpedoes threatening his Navy ship. (Torpedoes in the Civil War are what we call...
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"The Vision of the Anointed" and Other Stogie Stuff
The Vision of the Anointed Upon R.S. McCain's advice to readers, I just purchased the PC Kindle version of Thomas Sowell's " Th...
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C'mon, GOP, Let's Suppress the Vote! (Of dead people, felons and non-citizens)
The GOP has been trying to enact voter identification laws in various states. The Democrats scream foul and accuse Republicans of trying to...
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The Banality of Liberalism: A Kook in the Subway
Mona Eltahawy Committing Vandalism in NY Subway A female kook was arrested after defacing anti-jihad ads in the New York subway. The vandal...
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So Long Andy Williams...See You on the Other Side
One of the many problems with aging is that you see "your world" slipping away. The heroes you admired are dying off, and the wor...
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New Polls Show America Carrying Obama to Victory on the Shoulders of Admiring Throngs
Some more polls are out showing that Obama has already won the election by acclamation, and there is really no need of a vote anymore. Romn...
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Elizabeth Warren's Awesome Credibility as a Serious Candidate! (Photoshop)
After hearing this "Cherokee-descended" fake speak at the Democrat convention, one can only wonder at the dearth of brain cells am...
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Another Hollywood Has-Been For Obama: Madonna
Madonna Ah, by their supporters ye shall know them. Madonna, a shock and sleaze performer and alleged singer, has come out for Obama . Th...
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Politico: Romney Takes 14 Point Lead Among Middle Class
Politico, a very Democrat-loving website, has conducted its own poll (just what we need, another poll) and claims that Romney has taken a bi...
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Personal Post: Fall Is Here; New Rickenbacker Baptized; Losing Weight
Stogie With Rickenbacker Bass Guitar Yesterday was the first day of fall. The temperatures are falling and there is a new chill in the air...
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Dick Morris: Why the Polls Understate the Romney Vote
Dick Morris has posted an article this morning that dovetails the one by Perry Drake of yesterday. Basically, his message is that the polls...
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Four More Years! (Photoshop)
See Curmudgeon's photoshop here: Obama: The Day I Am Elected, Muslim Hostility Will Ease Now see my followup Photoshop below.
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Conservative Black Blogger: "Why Romney Is Going To Romp Over Obama In November"
Perry Drake, aka "The Drive-By Pundit," has written a great article at the American Thinker. He believes that Obama will lose big...
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Pamela Geller Schools Erin Burnett of CNN on the Meaning of Jihad
Pamela Geller of the blog Atlas Shrugs has been fighting in San Francisco and New York to have her anti-jihadi ads approved for the bus syst...
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Human Nature and the Path of Least Resistance; or Why So Many People Are Democrats
Both Romney and Rush have this week discussed human nature and its effects on human freedom. I too have thought about this, and here it is: ...
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For Sale: The New Obama American Flag
I got this Photoshop idea from The Other McCain. McCain writes OMG! I Thought The Obama Flag & Blood On The Wall A Tasteless Joke. . . ...
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Charlie Hebdo Mocks the Prophet; French Embassies and Schools to Shut Down; We Translate the French Cartoons
Charlie Hebdo is a French magazine of satire and politics. It is a leftist magazine whose goal is to offend as many people as possible, no ...
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What's the Matter With Telling the Truth? Mitt Romney on Obama Supporters
Mitt Romney told the truth while speaking to some supporters back in May. Someone filmed it, and the leftist site Mother Jones is displayin...
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The Truth About Islam
Nick at Patriot's Corner has a most righteous rant today on the true nature of Islam. All I could say upon reading it was YES! There ar...
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What a Jackass: Young Liberal Blue-Eyed Blonde Tells Muslim Rioters "I Love You"! AWWWWWW!
I stole this picture from View From the Right . It shows a young poser in an act of moral exhibitionism, more to shower herself with libera...
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What Will the Polls Reflect Tomorrow? Will Anyone Notice that Obama is a Disaster on Foreign Policy (With Everything Else)?
With many of our embassies under Muslim attack throughout the world, you have to wonder if the public will connect the dots. Obama + Foreig...
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Emerging Evidence Shows "Innocence of Muslims" Film Not the Cause of Ongoing Attacks on US Embassies
A number of pundits, including Rush Limbaugh, have stated that the film "Innocence of Muslims" is not the cause of the recent and ...
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Obama's Chickens Are "Coming ROOOOOOST!"
Right after 911, in 2001, Barack Obama's hateful black liberation preacher, Jeremy Wright, stood behind the pulpit of his Chicago church...
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Mainstream Media Hysterics Indicative of Someone Who's Losing and Knows It -- In Spite of Their Favorable Polls
Legal Insurrection has called the bias and hysterical tone of the mainstream media (the MSM) " so far beyond bad it's almost indes...
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Pastor Terry Jones Responds to Recent Islamic Violence ; Trailer of the Controversial Film "Innocence of Muslims" (Video)
I have supported, and continue to support, Pastor Terry Jones, who is one of few who really understands just how evil Islam is, and one of t...
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Michelle Malkin Nails It: "Why They Hate Us"
So many people are clueless when it comes to Islam, its major tenets, its history, and the history of its prophet. They think it's just...
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Obama Propaganda Belt Opens Up On Romney
Mitt Romney rightly criticized Obama's inept handling of the recent (and apparently, ongoing) attacks on our embassies in the Middle Eas...
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A Fool's Errand: Installing Democracy in the Middle East
I was opposed to Obama's intervention in Libya and wrote several articles to that effect. I predicted that our intervention would come ...
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Current Events and the Re-Election of Barack Obama
Current events this week are decidedly negative for Barack Obama. Chicago teachers, whose students' performance on test scores are abys...
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Islam is Completely Evil and Has NO Redeeming Qualities Whatsoever
I have been completely upfront about my opinion of Islam, since the atrocity of 911: I hate Islam. I believe that Islam has no redeeming q...
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What I Would Say to the Victims of the 911 Atrocity
Eleven years have passed since I learned what Islam is, and why I hate it with all my heart: a bloodthirsty ideology, created by a barbaria...
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CNN Poll Shows Obama Leading Romney 86% to 12%, with 2% Undecided
A number of conservative pundits, including Rush Limbaugh, are saying the latest poll results are merely psyops made to discourage conservat...
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Don't Get Discouraged, Republicans! We've Been Worse Off and Still Won!
Drudge has some encouraging historical tidbits today: POLL: O 49% R 45%... FLASHBACK: CARTER +4 OVER REAGAN IN SEPT 1980 [+8 IN OCT]... FLAS...
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More Proof That the Democrats Ruined the Economy
Jim Yardley at American Thinker gives more details on the Democrat melt-down of 2008, including a graph of real estate prices. Yardley expl...
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Has America Passed the Point of No Return? Have Progressives Finally Won the Future?
John Hinderaker at Powerline has a rather sobering post today: Why Is This Election Close? John believes that the country may have passed ...
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See Romney Political Ads on Romney's YouTube Page
Yesterday Romney launched an ad blitz of battleground states, with 15 new political ads. You can view the ads at Romney's YouTube page h...
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Obama Edges Ahead in the Polls...Or Does He?
Perhaps Obama did get some bounce from the Democratic National Convention. In spite of the discouraging jobs report yesterday, Obama has ed...
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Obama's Convention Speech Widely Panned; Campaigns Move to Next Phase, Debates and Political Ads
Obama's uninspired stump speech to the DNC is being widely panned today. Joe Klein of Time says it was "a fine speech that didn...
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Blog Archive
- Dallas Morning News Endorses Romney for President
- Damn the Polls, Full Speed Ahead!
- "The Vision of the Anointed" and Other Stogie Stuff
- C'mon, GOP, Let's Suppress the Vote! (Of dead peo...
- The Banality of Liberalism: A Kook in the Subway
- So Long Andy Williams...See You on the Other Side
- New Polls Show America Carrying Obama to Victory o...
- Elizabeth Warren's Awesome Credibility as a Seriou...
- Another Hollywood Has-Been For Obama: Madonna
- Politico: Romney Takes 14 Point Lead Among Middle...
- Personal Post: Fall Is Here; New Rickenbacker Bap...
- Dick Morris: Why the Polls Understate the Romney ...
- Four More Years! (Photoshop)
- Conservative Black Blogger: "Why Romney Is Going ...
- Pamela Geller Schools Erin Burnett of CNN on the M...
- Human Nature and the Path of Least Resistance; or ...
- For Sale: The New Obama American Flag
- Charlie Hebdo Mocks the Prophet; French Embassies ...
- What's the Matter With Telling the Truth? Mitt Ro...
- The Truth About Islam
- What a Jackass: Young Liberal Blue-Eyed Blonde Te...
- What Will the Polls Reflect Tomorrow? Will Anyone...
- Emerging Evidence Shows "Innocence of Muslims" Fil...
- Obama's Chickens Are "Coming ROOOOOOST!"
- Mainstream Media Hysterics Indicative of Someone W...
- Pastor Terry Jones Responds to Recent Islamic Viol...
- Michelle Malkin Nails It: "Why They Hate Us"
- Obama Propaganda Belt Opens Up On Romney
- A Fool's Errand: Installing Democracy in the Midd...
- Current Events and the Re-Election of Barack Obama
- Islam is Completely Evil and Has NO Redeeming Qual...
- What I Would Say to the Victims of the 911 Atrocity
- CNN Poll Shows Obama Leading Romney 86% to 12%, wi...
- Don't Get Discouraged, Republicans! We've Been Wo...
- More Proof That the Democrats Ruined the Economy
- Has America Passed the Point of No Return? Have P...
- See Romney Political Ads on Romney's YouTube Page
- Obama Edges Ahead in the Polls...Or Does He?
- Clint Eastwood Sums Up the Obama Presidency in a S...
- Obama's Convention Speech Widely Panned; Campaigns...
- Joe Biden and Barack Obama's Speeches to the Conve...
- Michelle Obama's Speech Was Filled With Distortion...
- Some Counter Points to Bill Clinton's Convention S...
- Slick Willy's Speech to the Democrat Convention
- Listening to the Losers at the Democratic National...
- Signs Point to a Coming Democrat Defeat in November
- Effective New Republican Ad: "We've Heard It All ...
- It Wasn't Bush That Caused the Melt Down: It Was ...
- A Chair For Obama (Photoshop)
- Obama Rejects the "Empty Chair" Metaphor (Photoshop)
- Ellen Barken: Hollywood Has-Been's Hair-Brained H...
- Look Who Parks Their Cash at "Evil" Bain Capital
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