Hear Interview of Bombing Victim Jeff Bauman on ViralRead

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Jeff Bauman
Jeff Bauman, the young man who lost both legs below the knee in the Boston bombing, gave an interview to a radio personality.  A recording of the interview can be listened to here.  Jeff describes what it was like to be blown up and nearly killed, and how it all went down.

Jeff made eye contact with Bomber #1 as he dropped his bomb-containing bag and departed.  Five minutes later the bomb blew off the lower half of Jeff's legs, as well as killing three people and injuring over 200 more.

Carlos Arredondo, a civiian in a cowboy hat, saved Jeff's life by pinching off the artery in his right leg, preventing him from bleeding out.  Carlos commandeered a wheelchair and rolled Jeff to an ambulance.  Since the explosion, Jeff and Carlos have kept in touch on a daily basis.  Jeff was invited to come to a Red Sox game for a presentation to the fans, but said he would only do it if Carlos could come too.

Listen to the interview at the above link.  Jeff is an inspiring guy, and Carlos is no slouch either.
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