Stogie's Political Wish List

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If I could magically change the USA and the World into what I want it to are my preferences.


1.  The USA would be energy independent, using our fossil fuel and nuclear resources to the maximum, to make energy plentiful and cheap, thus fueling our economy and increasing prosperity and opportunity for everyone here.

2.  The Internal Revenue Code would be put through an industrial size paper shredder, and all income taxes on both corporations and individuals would be a flat tax on gross income, similar to a sales tax.  There would be no deductions, credits or carryforwards, no minimum tax, none of the byzantine complexity that now exists.  This would make taxes simple and understandable, eliminate all loopholes and patronage, eliminate thousands of hours in tax courts, and free up attorneys and CPAs (like me) to find more productive work.  Tax filings and tax returns would be made simple and understandable to the common citizen.  Tax rates would apply equally to everyone, including the poor and the middle class, so when these groups vote for higher tax rates, they too will feel the effects of it.  This will help eliminate "class warfare."

3.  All federal bureaucracies would be ended -- no more Department of Energy, Education, Agriculture, Labor or Commerce, for example.  All the bureaucrats who work there would have to find more productive pursuits.

4.  The Federal Reserve System would be ended.  Interest rates would be allowed to float, determined by supply and demand, allowing the free market to allocate resources more efficiently, thereby lessening the boom and bust effects of the business cycle.

5.  All states in the Union would be given the same sovereign rights; the federal government would give up any of its unconstitutional claims to the land and resources of the individual states.  Alaska, for example, would control its oil reserves as it sees fit, including the right to drill in ANWR.  Midwestern states would have full access to grazing rights in their own territory, not subject to any dictates of the federal government whatsoever.

6.  Immigration of Third-World people into the USA would be severely curtailed and the 1965 immigration act repealed.  The reason is simple:  such immigrants vote for socialism and big government, which are contrary to the American ideal.  No Islamic immigration would be allowed at all, since that "religion" is both violent and disloyal to its host countries, and its ultimate goal of sharia law incompatible with the Constitution of the United States.

7.  The right of state secession would be fully acknowledged.  The threat of secession was, in the past, a disincentive to an overweening federal government, and could be so again.

8.  Decisions of the US Supreme Court would be advisory only, and not "the law of the land."  Individual states would have the right to determine the constitutionality of any federal law, and to nullify those considered unconstitutional, i.e. to declare such laws null and void within the territory of the nullifying states.

9.  All federal intervention into the private economy would be reversed, made null and void.  All federal dictates to businesses as to whom they can hire, whether or not they have parking or other amenities for the disabled, or whether or not they provide health insurance or birth control to employees, would be ended.  Thousands of pages of arbitrary federal regulations would be reversed, freeing business to concentrate on making a profit and adding to the general prosperity of the country.

10.  Foreign aid would be substantially ended, and the funds used instead to help pay down the federal deficit.

11.  The US Constitution would be amended to be more specific about such items, to eliminate dubious and far-fetched future interpretations as a means to bypass the original intent.

Those items comprise my economic platform.  In a subsequent entry I will present my foreign policy platform.

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