I Definitely Won't Be Buying Carbonite

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Sandra Fluke is an alleged college student who spoke to the media about the necessity of a presidential-mandated health insurance coverage for condoms.  This was after President Zero mandated the coverage, over the objections of Catholics who oppose birth control on religious grounds.

I heard Fluke's dishonest statement on the radio, in which she lamented the terrible suffering and unhappiness caused by the lack of free condoms for whoever wanted them.  My first thought on hearing her specious speech was "Liar!"  I got the impression of a liberal who was reading from a script, reciting a memorized phony speech intended to justify and support Obama's latest abuse of power.

Rush Limbaugh referred to Fluke as a slut, but said he did it only in jest.  Nevertheless, he apologized.  However, Carbonite, one of Rush's sponsors, couldn't pass up the opportunity for posturing and dropped Rush in order "to promote a more civil discourse."  More civil discourse my ass.  The Democrats and the left have been spewing the most malicious venom for years, lying like hell and slandering everyone to the right of Kim Jong Un as a racist, a hater, someone who wants to kill Democrats by putting hidden messages into campaign maps.  This by leftists who openly call for assassination of Republicans, expressing hope that Republicans will die soon and expressing joy when they actually do.

I will never buy Carbonite.  I will never recommend Carbonite.  If anyone brings up the subject of Carbonite, I will advise them to buy something  else.

Update:  Lawrence Auster received a message from someone who witnessed the Democrats working from a false script to push their policy objectives.  Read it here.  That's the thing about Democrats:  they lie.

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