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Apparently, the man who shot Martin, one George Zimmerman, only did so after Martin got on top of Zimmerman, smashed his head into the sidewalk several times, pummeled his face and broke his nose. Apparently, Martin was unaware of the fact that Zimmerman was carrying. He found out too late.
Okay, in fairness it appears Zimmerman insulted Martin by following him through the former's housing complex and thus implied that Martin was a crook about to commit a crime. Yes, that would piss me off too. However, once Martin's anger advanced to aggressive violence, all bets are off, all rationalizations fade. Zimmerman did what everyone has a right to do, which is to save one's own life when it is in immediate danger. Martin in effect killed himself, and I feel no sense of injustice in his death -- tragedy yes, injustice, no.
Black on white violence is far more the norm than the opposite, and yes, we white people are generally afraid of black people we don't know because of the latter's history of crime and violence. Just read any local news stories on a daily basis. Blacks are continually assaulting themselves and everyone else -- I don't think I am being either unfair or inaccurate on this point. If there is a solution, it is this: the disproportionate crime and violence of the black population must cease. How that is to be accomplished, I do not know. Perhaps the situation can never be improved, I don't really know.
One thing I do know though, is this: assholes like Al Sharpton are part of the problem, not the solution.
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