My Favor Shifts to Gingrich Over Romney

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Neither Mitt Romney nor Newt Gingrich is the perfect candidate.  The fight between the two has become vicious, self-destructive, personal and bitter.  I have criticized Gingrich for attacking capitalism and distorting Romney's role at Bain Capital, and for making the campaign too personal.

However, Romney himself has a history of personal attacks and distortions against other Republican candidates.  Lately, his attacks on Gingrich have become hysterical.  This is a turn-off for sure, however, it was something one of Romney's aids said that really bothered me.  The aid said that if Romney is elected, not all of Obamacare will be repealed.  Put this together with past Romney public utterances (attacking conservatives, supporting liberals, proclaiming himself "progressive," supporting leftist policies, etc), and the inescapable conclusion is that Romney is far too liberal for me.  Between him and Gingrich, my favor now returns to Gingrich.

Rick Santorum, my favorite of the three, did well in yesterday's Florida debates, and some say he was the winner of the debate.  I hope Santorum is the nominee when all the primaries are finished.  If not, then I will choose Gingrich over Romney.

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